Asiamed Special disposable acupuncture needles feature copper wound handles with a loop. The needles are packaged without guide tubes. They feature high quality surgical steel, a machine ground needle tip for consistent ease of insertion, and a micro-layer of bio-inert silicone lubricant for maximum patient comfort.
- Extra long copper handle for a good grip
- Sterilized by Gamma Ray
- 5 needles per flat
- Box of 100 needles total
- no guide tube
- silicone coated
About asiamed: asiamed needles are engineered with extreme precision. Each needle tip is machine ground and photographed by a computer. The photograph is then matched to predefined specifications and is then either accepted or rejected. The result is 100% needle tip conformity for smooth, painless insertion. The entire length of the needle shaft is coated with a micro layer of FDA-approved bio-inert silicone, making it super-smooth for ease of penetration into deeper tissue.